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With GPS Dozor you are spot on about where your vehicles are. In our platform main screen, you can see the position and movement of all your business vehicles in real time. And thanks to the integrated Street View, you can see virtually through the eyes of the driver.
Keep track of vehicles, drivers, routes, refueling ... and just about everything you need to know.
The GPS tracker transmits not only current position data but also other information: speed, driving time or tachometer status. All of the information is securely stored in the electronic log book, allowing for later advanced data analysis and reporting.
If you use route planning feature in our vehicle tracking platform, you can easily track whether the route is being followed by the driver. The system will graphically highlight any deviation from the prescribed route as well as leaving a predefined area or exceeding the speed limit.
Another option is to display current position of a selected car via SMS directly on your mobile phone. More demanding customers can also use our free smartphone apps.
"Thanks to the GPS Dozor platform which is connected directly to our dispatching delivery system, our operators have an overview of the current position of all our vans. In addition, the system allows us to monitor the driving style of individual drivers."
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